State-Specific Legal Resources for LLC Dissolution Simplified
Explore our comprehensive list of legal resources tailored for each state in the United States. These links will direct you to official state websites and legal databases where you can find detailed information about the laws and regulations governing Limited Liability Company (LLC) dissolution.
The Alabama Limited Liability Company Law provides the legal framework for the formation, operation, and dissolution of LLCs in Alabama.Alaska:
Alaska's Revised Limited Liability Company Act outlines the regulations for LLCs, including formation, management, and dissolution procedures.Arizona:
Arizona Limited Liability Company Act governs the establishment and operation of LLCs in Arizona, detailing their legal structure and dissolution processes.Arkansas:
The Arkansas Uniform Limited Liability Company Act sets forth the rules and regulations for LLCs in Arkansas, including their creation, governance, and dissolution.California:
California Revised Uniform Limited Liability Act offers comprehensive guidelines for LLCs in California, including their formation, operation, and dissolution.Colorado:
Colorado Limited Liability Company Act provides the legal framework for LLCs in Colorado, detailing their formation, management, and dissolution.Connecticut:
Connecticut Uniform Limited Liability Company Act outlines the statutes governing LLCs, including their formation, operation, and dissolution in Connecticut.Delaware:
Delaware Limited Liability Company Act is a key document for LLCs, given Delaware's prominence as a corporate haven, outlining formation and dissolution processes.Florida:
Florida Revised Limited Liability Company Act details the legal structure and operational guidelines for LLCs, including dissolution procedures in Florida.Georgia:
Georgia Limited Liability Company Act governs the formation, operation, and dissolution of LLCs in Georgia, providing a legal framework.Hawaii:
Hawaii Uniform Limited Liability Company Act offers a comprehensive guide to LLCs in Hawaii, including their formation, governance, and dissolution.Idaho:
Idaho Uniform Limited Liability Company Act outlines the legal requirements for LLC formation, operation, and dissolution in Idaho.Illinois:
Illinois LLC Dissolution Statute provides detailed procedures for the dissolution of LLCs in Illinois, in addition to their general operational guidelines.Indiana:
Indiana Business Flexibility Act offers guidelines for LLC operations in Indiana, including flexible management structures and dissolution processes.Iowa:
Iowa Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act sets out the legal framework for LLCs in Iowa, covering aspects from formation to dissolution.Kansas:
Kansas Revised Limited Liability Company Act governs the creation, operation, and dissolution of LLCs in Kansas, providing a clear legal structure.Kentucky:
Kentucky Limited Liability Company Act outlines the regulations for LLC formation, operation, and dissolution in Kentucky.Louisiana:
Louisiana Limited Liability Company Law provides the legal basis for the formation, governance, and dissolution of LLCs in Louisiana.Maine:
Maine Limited Liability Company Act governs the formation, operation, and dissolution of LLCs in the state, providing clear legal guidelines.Maryland:
Maryland Limited Liability Company Act sets forth the legal framework for LLCs in Maryland, including formation, management, and dissolution procedures.Massachusetts:
Massachusetts Limited Liability Company Act provides the regulations for LLCs in Massachusetts, detailing formation, operation, and dissolution processes.Michigan:
Michigan Revised Limited Liability Company Act offers comprehensive guidelines for LLC formation, operation, and dissolution in Michigan.Minnesota:
Minnesota Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act provides the legal framework for LLCs in Minnesota, including their formation, operation, and dissolution.Mississippi:
Mississippi Limited Liability Company Act outlines the legal requirements and processes for LLC formation, operation, and dissolution in Mississippi.Missouri:
Missouri LLC Dissolution Statute provides specific guidelines for the dissolution of LLCs in Missouri, in addition to general operational regulations.Montana:
Montana Limited Liability Company Act covers the legal structure and operational guidelines for LLCs in Montana, including dissolution processes.Nebraska:
Nebraska Limited Liability Company Act outlines the regulations governing LLCs in Nebraska, including their formation, operation, and dissolution.Nevada:
Nevada Limited Liability Company Act provides a legal framework for LLCs in Nevada, known for its business-friendly environment, including their dissolution.New Hampshire:
New Hampshire Revised Limited Liability Company Act governs the formation, operation, and dissolution of LLCs in the state.New Jersey:
New Jersey Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act offers detailed guidelines for LLCs, including formation, operation, and dissolution procedures.New Mexico:
New Mexico LLC Dissolution Statute provides specific provisions for the dissolution of LLCs, in addition to general LLC regulations.New York:
New York Limited Liability Company Law governs the formation, management, and dissolution of LLCs in New York State.North Carolina:
North Carolina Limited Liability Company Act outlines the legal structure and operational guidelines for LLCs in North Carolina.North Dakota:
North Dakota Uniform Limited Liability Company Act provides the legal basis for LLC formation, operation, and dissolution in the state.Ohio:
Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1705 Limited Liability Companies covers all aspects of Limited Liability Companies, including their formation, operation, and dissolution.Oklahoma:
Oklahoma Limited Liability Company Act sets out the legal framework for LLCs in Oklahoma, including formation, management, and dissolution.Oregon:
Oregon Limited Liability Company Act provides comprehensive guidelines for LLC formation, operation, and dissolution in Oregon.Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of 2016 offers modern regulations for LLCs in Pennsylvania, including dissolution processes.Rhode Island:
Rhode Island Limited-Liability Company Act covers the legal requirements for LLCs in the state, including their dissolution.South Carolina:
South Carolina Uniform Limited Liability Company Act outlines the legal framework for LLCs, including their formation, operation, and dissolution.South Dakota:
South Dakota Uniform Limited Liability Company Act provides the legal basis for the formation, operation, and dissolution of LLCs in the state.Tennessee:
Tennessee Limited Liability Company Act governs the formation, operation, and dissolution of LLCs in Tennessee, offering a clear legal structure.Texas:
Texas Business Organizations Code provides extensive guidelines for LLCs in Texas, one of the largest economies in the U.S., including dissolution procedures.Utah:
Utah Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act offers comprehensive guidelines for LLC formation, operation, and dissolution in Utah.Vermont:
Vermont Code Title 11, Chapter 21: Limited Liability Companies covers Limited Liability Companies, providing detailed regulations for their operation and dissolution.Virginia:
Virginia Limited Liability Company Act sets out the legal framework for LLCs in Virginia, including formation, governance, and dissolution.Washington:
Washington Limited Liability Company Act provides detailed guidelines for LLCs in Washington state, including their dissolution.West Virginia:
West Virginia Uniform Limited Liability Company Act outlines the legal requirements for LLCs, including their formation, operation, and dissolution.Wisconsin:
Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 183: Limited Liability Companies covers Limited Liability Companies, offering legal guidelines for their formation, operation, and dissolution.Wyoming:
Wyoming Limited Liability Company Act governs the formation, operation, and dissolution of LLCs in Wyoming, known for its business-friendly laws.
Whether you are looking to dissolve an LLC or seeking to understand the legal framework in your state, these resources will provide you with the necessary information. Please ensure to consult with a legal professional for specific guidance related to your situation.